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AIPE to promote the start of the Italian ASME Working Group on Nuclear Energy

The Italian Pressure Equipment Association (AIPE) is proud to announce the establishment of the Italian international working group IIWG III, dedicated to Nuclear Energy - Section III of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) code.

Il nuovo IIWG III si rivolge agli stakeholders, alle organizzazioni della supply chain nucleare, ai tecnici esperti che operano nel settore nucleare nella progettazione, produzione di componenti destinati a impianti nucleari di nuova generazione, agli Small Modular Reactors (SMR) e a quelli di IV generazione che hanno come riferimento il Codice ASME, per contribuire alla condivisione delle esperienze e al continuo miglioramento dei Codici.

This initiative represents a significant step for the Italian nuclear industry, promoting innovation, safety, and competitiveness at an international level.

The divisions of Nuclear Section III of the ASME code are:

  • Division 1: Requirements for components, supports and main support structures of Class 1, 2, 3 and MC (III Generation Reactors and SMRs)
  • Division 2: Code for reinforced concrete components
  • Division 3: Containment systems and transport packaging
  • Division 4: Fusion energy devices
  • Division 5: High temperature reactors (IV Generation Reactors and Advanced Small Modular Reactors).

This initiative develops following the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2021 between AIPE and ASME, and pursues the following objectives:

  • Promotion of technical excellence: through collaboration and the exchange of knowledge between industry experts, the working groups aim to maintain and improve the technical and safety standards of Italian nuclear plants.
  • Regulatory Development: the working groups will provide important support in the development of ASME regulations, facilitating the certification process and improving international competitiveness.
  • Training and Professional Development: the initiative will offer training and professional development opportunities for engineers and technicians, strengthening the skills and knowledge necessary to operate in the nuclear sector.
  • International Collaboration: AIPE, in collaboration with ASME, will facilitate dialogue and cooperation with other countries, promoting the exchange of best practices and technological innovation at a global level.

AIPE has been actively participating, through its associated companies, in the activities of the Italian Working Groups of sections V (Non-Destructive Examination), VIII (Boiler Pressure Vessels) and IX (Welding, Brazing and Fusing), for which it has also provided a secretariat.

"The establishment of the new Italian IIWG III working group for Section III of the ASME represents an important milestone for our country's nuclear industry, as it will contribute to strengthening Italy's position in the global energy landscape, especially in view of the recent developments in the energy transition in Europe. Particular attention will be paid to Small and Micro Modular Reactors, latest generation reactors, smaller, better performing, and safer than older generation reactors. Context and calculation codes in a technologically evolving sector are essential components of their feasibility and safety", declared Paolo Fedeli, President of AIPE.

Giancarlo Gobbi, ASME Liaison for Europe: "In Italy there are 20 ASME Section III certified companies, of which 5 for the production of components (Manufacturers) and 15 for materials (Material Manufacturers). The Italian companies certified by ASME, for years now in the global nuclear sector, have been in first place among the companies certified by ASME in Europe. The new IIWG III working group was born from the need of the Italian industry to share its experiences, to facilitate the understanding and continuous improvement of the Code. We are certain that AIPE, the most representative association in the sector, will play a fundamental role in the launch of the new working group".

Information on the ASME Italian working groups: The ASME working groups bring together the best Italian Pressure Equipment experts to share experiences and propose revisions to the ASME Code. Currently in our country three working groups are active relating to Section V, IIWG V (Non-Destructive Testing), Section VIII, IIWG VIII (Rules for the Construction of Pressure Equipment) and Section IX, IIWG IX (Qualifications for Welding, Brazing and Fusing).

The most common form of membership is that of Member, which involves fully participating in the development of the standards and voting on all the committee's actions, with mandatory attendance. A second form of participation, less binding, is that of Contributing Member, where participation in meetings is encouraged but not mandatory.